A l'instar des autres approches corps-esprit, as-salat prend en compte les cas où le croyant est atteint d'handicap physique tel qu'une paralysie partielle ou complète, mais également dans le cas de de maladies dégénératives, car la façon de réaliser l’as-salat peut changer en fonction des contraintes physiques de la personne qui prie. As-salat se réalise en premier lieu en position "debout", sinon "assis", sinon "allongé" (en simulant les mouvements avec les ouvertures et fermetures de la paupière), sinon en imaginant mentalement la réalisation des mouvements grâce à la visualisation mentale (dans le cas d'une paralysie complète, avec résilience des fonctions cérébrales, et cognitives). Ce qui n'est pas le cas des autres approches corps-esprit mondialement connues, dont l'accomplissement dépend absolument de la condition du corps et de la capacité à se mouvoir.
Chers frères et soeurs, bienvenu en Islam.
As-salat and physical disability
Like other mind-body approaches, as-salat takes into account cases where the believer is suffering from physical disability such as a partial or complete paralysis, but also in the case of degenerative diseases, because the way to achieve as-salat can change based on physical constraints of the person who prays. As-salat is realized in the first place position "standing" if not "sit", otherwise "stretched" (by simulating the movements with the opening and closing of the eyelid), if not mentally imagining the achievement of movement through visualization mental (in the case of complete paralysis, with resilience of brain function, and cognitive). This is not the case with other mind-body approaches internationally known, whose performance depends absolutely on the condition of the body and the ability to move.
Dear brothers and sisters, welcome in Islam.
Chers frères et soeurs, bienvenu en Islam.
As-salat and physical disability
Like other mind-body approaches, as-salat takes into account cases where the believer is suffering from physical disability such as a partial or complete paralysis, but also in the case of degenerative diseases, because the way to achieve as-salat can change based on physical constraints of the person who prays. As-salat is realized in the first place position "standing" if not "sit", otherwise "stretched" (by simulating the movements with the opening and closing of the eyelid), if not mentally imagining the achievement of movement through visualization mental (in the case of complete paralysis, with resilience of brain function, and cognitive). This is not the case with other mind-body approaches internationally known, whose performance depends absolutely on the condition of the body and the ability to move.
Dear brothers and sisters, welcome in Islam.