Thursday, March 5, 2015

Islam, Process, Extraction, Algorithms, Patterns, Computer Science, Cognitive Science

Phd Subject :

Modeling the “Islamic life” process/algorithm, extracting the hidden algorithms, schemes, patterns, and meta-models, and application in contemporary study case and daily real life situations and issues.

Simple Goal : Islam in "If then Else endIf" Format.

Numbers of possible thesis (FIVE 7 maximum), because

modeling islamic activities  :
1') from fajr to doha
2) from doha to dohr
3) from dohr to asr
4) from asr to maghreb
5) from maghreb to icha
6) from icha to chaf3 and witr
7) from witr to fajr

Goal of the study : putting islamic activities in a holisitic algorithm from end-to-end (from A to A (from Fajr to Fajr)) and not from A to Z (not only from Fajr to ICha)), knowing that as-salat al woussta is not necessarily al-asr (but could be any prayer of the five obligatory one))

The aim of the study : show the benefits of islamic process, for muslim(s), for the society. The goal of the study : extract the algorithm/pattern, and apply it to a specific case study.

Important statements:

obligtory/fard process :
-salat * 5
-siam ramadan
-al hajj
-birr al walidine
-silah rahim

optionnal/sunnah process :
-hajj and al omra
-al nawafel
-siam al sounnane
-al salaf

ordinary vs extra-ordinary process :
-getting married vs being alone
-death of relatives vs life,
-getting a job vs unemployement,
-having children vs not
-something loved (mahboub) vs hated (makrouh),
-need of money vs need of salaf

Extraction outputs :

1st level Voluntary (To do) : (INPUT)

Going to the mosk
making Fasting
giving Zakat, etc
Going to the Hajj
GEtting married to a good woman
Buying a house near to mosk


Ner level volountary (to Be) (OUTPUT)
Being good, Being positive, Being serein, etc...

Instanciation possibilities/statements :
Imam : project manager,
Muezzin : project announcer,
Muslim(s) : collaborator(s),

The method  :
1)    model Islamic Life (from the fajr to fajr (for a day, a week, a month, a year, a life) in an activity modeling language (such as UML, Unified modeling language)

The necessary knowledge : Islamic priority management
فقه الأولويات

the starting point is :

وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها ، قالت : كان - تعني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم - ينام أول الليل ، ويحيي آخره ، ثم إن كانت له حاجة إلى أهله قضى حاجته ثم ينام ، فإن كان عند النداء الأول جنبا ، وثب فأفاض عليه الماء ، وإن لم يكن جنبا توضأ للصلاة ، ثم صلى ركعتين . متفق عليه

if time after "icha2" then sleep

then pray "night 9iyam"

then if need be marital relationship

then sleep

when the first adhan occurs

if "jounoub" then jump (hurry) to make "ightissal"

if not jounoub then make "wodou2"

then pray two rakaats (may be fajr)

The first thing to modelise :

 أحب الأعمال إلى الله

1) Fajr adhan (external trigger)
when the first adhan occurs
if "jounoub" then jump (hurry) to make "ightissal"
if not jounoub then make "wodou2"
then pray two rakaats (may be fajr)

2) Sobh Salat
and so on and so forth...

3) adhkar after salat

4) Seeing if Parents need something
 أحب الأعمال إلى الله

See also

5) reading Quran till Chourouq

The islamic life process will include parallel and interdependant process such as :

·    Islamic prayer : Salat
=> Time management, Pjct management
·    Islamic Finance : Zakat, Sada9a, Salaf, Rahn
=> Socio-Economic Disorders
·    Islamic fasting : Siam, ramadan, ayam al beid, etc...
=> Health Disorders
·    Islamic Pelegrimage : hajj, and omra
=> Spiritual Disorders
·    good deeds : altruism, etc...
=> Social Disorders

2)    Implementing the model using Java.

3)    instanciate the specific islamic process metamodel with the case study values, and execute/run it. he case study could be based on cognitive sciences values :

·    Psychology : how Islamic activities acts upon psychic activities, will, depression, anxiety, compulsion, etc…

·    Philosophy : how Islamic activities acts upon good deeds, altruism, etc.

·    Linguistics : How Islamic activities acts upon linguistics capacities, How learning the quran enables to learn easily any other language (akkadian, persian, etc...), how one can learn quran easily at any age (search for the story of the sahabi that learns the quran at 50 years old),

·    Artificial Intelligence : how A.I. can be used to help muslim fulfill their religion, through a holistic personnel assistant offering step-by-step and day by day support, and automatic personnel assistant helping applying Islam as it should be.

The automatic muslim :

=> problem solver/resolution
=> A. I. personnal assistant
=> Islamic Operating System (Scheduler, tasks, process, sequential vs parallel, etc...).

·    Neuroscience : how Islamic activities acts upon brain activities, memory, decision making, etc.

·    Anthropology : how Islamic activities acts upon human behavior as one, social activity as a group, from the same religion, from the same planet,…

Computer science, Information technology : simulation of a perfect muslim society, considering different parallel Java thread (or C forks) representing different muslim :

Instantiation techniques :

For ex    ample, for Neuroscience :
What memory types are trigered by specific islamic activities,
Going to the mosk ==> Spatial Memory
Performing Salat => Procedural memory
Reciting al Fatiha => Semantic memory


4)    Running the instanciated metamodel, and then extract the hidden algortithms and patterns (using model driven engineering),

Application possibilities
-prayer (day, week) vs. psycho-social disorders,
-fasting + islamic principles for eating/drinking (day, week, month, year) vs. health disorders,
-inheritance (and sadaka, zakat, salaf, islamic finance) vs. social-economic disorders.
-salat => time management
-Islamic finance => money management
-siam => health management
-Islam => project management (life as a project)
Carrier management => delegation etc..
Speciality => koul moyassar ila ma oukhtir lah
space management ==> constructs "soufouf" for prayer
==> Walking inside the mosk, obstacle avoiding...etc...

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