Monday, November 17, 2014

islamic prayer : states, decision making, time triggers

Fisrt, there is some considerations to be done :

1) The first prayer performed in islam was a « dohr » (dhor, zuhr) which is a mid-day prayer to be performed when the sun is at the middle of the sky.

2) The first prayer to be performed every day, is the « fajr » (or sobh) prayer which is the sunrise prayer, which must be done when the sun just rises.

3) There are five obligatory prayers (fajr, dohr, asr, maghreb, icha), which will be considered in our study.

Second, in the scenario that we propose to represent the islamic prayer “as-salat”, we will consider beginning with the “fajr” prayer, and finishing with the “icha” prayer of the same day :

(first state) Fajr –> (finishing state) Icha.

First of all, the muslim should wait for one of the three possibilities :

1. the corresponding time of “fajr” prayer, considering a calculation/table of the prayer time.

2. the “apparition of the sun” (first light in the night sky), to attest that this is the time for sun rise, and so for the “fajr” prayer.

3. the first “adhan” (call for prayer) of the day, and so for the “fajr” prayer.

3. the corresponding time of “fajr” prayer, considering a calculation of the prayer time.

We can consider, that there is three triggers (visual, auditive, cognitive) for the prayer time.

First element for the representation : Trigger for prayer time

For each different first trigger, the subject will associate the following items 'a' and 'b' in order to construct the conclusion 'c':

for trigger (1) :
a. the time of the day (using a watch for exemple),
b. the day of the year,
c. it it time for one specific prayer by correlating the day and the time.

for trigger (2) :
a. there is only one sunrise in a day,
b. the prayer corresponding to the sunrise is the “fajr”,
c. it it time for the “fajr” prayer.

for trigger (3) :
a. the time of the day (using a watch or the light of the day)
b. if no possibility to know the correct time,
=> one must recall the previous prayer
c. it it the adhan time for the corresponding prayer.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

paper ideas for neuroscience (psychology, Psychiatry, neurology)

1) the effect of islamic prayer in preventing social (psychic) disorders :

A) modeling "salat" in UML (state diagram, activity diagram, etc)
B) modeling a specific disorder (alzheimer, Obsessive–compulsive disorder, Bipolar disorder, etc)

C) confronting both modeling by simulating the integration of the 2nd inside the first,
D) proving the NON possibility to run a disorder pattern or scenario inside a holistic (body-mind-spirit) approach like "as-salat"..

Possible tools : fault injection, fault tolerance, proof and verification,

if we consider that the disorder is a fault, and the body-mind-spirit approach is the system that can handle the fault/exception, and continue to run/work correctly. (fault injection/tolerance).

to be continued

Sunday, October 26, 2014

islamic prayer : type of triggered // activated memory

in order to determine which type of memory is activated in each state/activity of salat, we must first of all classify each state/activity in different type of actions : physical action (soujoud, joulouss, etc) and physical state (tahara, wodo2, ...,) psychological action (intention, etc..) and psychological state of mind (khoushou3... etc).....

islamic prayer : mosk or home // procedural memory

it it also possible to imagine the application of such diagram in determining which type of memory (procedural, short term, long term, state memory (how i see my attributes (like in a java class) knowing if i am (as being a prayer) is still in tahara or NO (use of boolean) and depending on it should i reitere the wodo2 (ablution)) is triggered or activated in the islamic prayer episodes during each day.

To be continued

islamic prayer : decision tree (group or single)

islamic prayer : imam and followers

Saturday, October 25, 2014

benefits of islamic prayer "salat" : decision making, paths construction...

after the adhan, the muslim will head to the mosk, to do so, he must decide :

1. which mosk he will go (the nearest one, the prefered one, ...)

he will then decide :

1. which path he will take,
2. if it is the same path, every time or another one

After performing the salat, the muslim will head to home or work, to do so, he must decide :

1. which location (home, mosk, etc) he will look forward,

he will then decide :

1. which path he will take,
2. if it is the same path, every time or another one,

Each of these steps, develop cognitive abilities and skills, ...

benefits of islamic prayer "salat" : finding the way out from the mosk

After performing the salat in group inside the mosk, the muslim will try to find his way out. In order to do so, there is differents ways :

1. waiting till the person behind you decide to walk in the same "desired" direction,

it may take some time...
but develop patience, respect, discipline, ...

2. walking to the extremity left or right (toward the walls) of the mosk, then going along (beside) the wall till finding the exit,

it may take some distance...
but develop rectilign (straight forward, direct...) thinking,

3. trying to find the way out by combining the two approach, just like when trying to walk in a crowd...

develop cognitiv abilities....

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Project management : an Islamic perspective

This post can also be called: project management from an Islamic perspective

Similarities between the Islamic system and a software development processThe role of as-salat in the regular validation of the 5 pillars of Islam:

First the software development process has three main concepts to help organize the development of an IT project in general:

1) discipline
2) iteration
3) Phase

    Firstly, the project process follows a set of disciplines in order for example (imagine the Y-axis):
        modeling needs
        analysis and design
        development and implรฉmentaiton
        test and deployment

     Then, these disciplines are verified by discrete phases, for example (imagine the X axis):
        initialization or startup
        design or development
        construction or development
        delivery (of product or project)

    Finally, these same phases they can be repeated (always on the X axis) as many times as necessary to validate the successful completion of the disciplines.
Then, how to report it all with Islam or what I wanted modestly called the Islamic system, let the scheme before:

    First, the life of a Muslim follows a set of disciplines in order for example:
        the testimony of faith (shahada-has: at least once)
        daily prayer (salat-a: 5 prayers)
        the young (as-Siam about 30 days per year)
        alms (zakat-a: 2.5% in net income for the year approximately)
        The Pilgrimage (al-Haj: Muslim if given the chance)






     Then, these disciplines are verified through distinct phases (which in this case are the prayers of the day 5) for example:
        al Sobh
        al zuhr
        al asr
        al maghreb
        al isha

A sobh

A dohr

Al Asr

Al Maghreb

Al icha

    Finally, these same phases they can be repeated as many times as necessary to validate the successful completion of the disciplines. In this case one iteration may be:
        for the testimony of faith:
            number of iterations for each prayer five times a day minimum
            duration of each iteration: duration of a complete prayer.
            next iteration at the next prayer.
        for as-salat:
            number of iterations for each prayer five times a day minimum.
            duration of each iteration: 5 time prayers => a full day.
            next iteration: next prayer.
        for as-siam:
            number of iterations: 30 times the minimum Ramadan
            duration of each iteration: 1 day.
            next iteration: arrival of the next year.
        1 year for a-Zakat:
            number of iterations: once a year at least.
            duration of each iteration: time to pay zakat-a.
            next iteration: arrival of the next year.
        A life for al haj:
            number of iterations: 1 time in minium if health and finances permit).
            duration of each iteration: as many times as possible.






If ramadan
If Hajj

 If necessary
 If ramadan
Less than 1 time a year

 Each year
 Each year
If possible

Ultimately, as-salat allows among other things, monitoring and validation of key disciplines are the five pillars of Islam. And that a Muslim who initiated the project as a Muslim guard the north to carry out its mission.

That said, all this is that interpretations of modest analyst that I am, thank you not to take it literally.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

mathematical equation of islamic prayer salat

according to

here is my modest understanding of daily islamic prayer :


(2*N) fajr
2 sobh
(4*N) before dohr
4 dohr
(2*N) after dohr
(4*N) before asr
4 asr
3 maghreb
(2*N) after maghreb
4 icha
(2*N) after icha

giving that N is either 0 or 1.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

mnemonics : ุณูˆุฑุฉ ุงู„ุดุนุฑุงุก

ุทุณู… ( 1 ) ุชู„ูƒ ุขูŠุงุช ุงู„ูƒุชุงุจ ุงู„ู…ุจูŠู† ( 2 ) ู„ุนู„ูƒ ุจุงุฎุน ู†ูุณูƒ ุฃู„ุง ูŠูƒูˆู†ูˆุง ู…ุคู…ู†ูŠู† ( 3 ) ุฅู† ู†ุดุฃ ู†ู†ุฒู„ ุนู„ูŠู‡ู… ู…ู† ุงู„ุณู…ุงุก ุขูŠุฉ ูุธู„ุช ุฃุนู†ุงู‚ู‡ู… ู„ู‡ุง ุฎุงุถุนูŠู† ( 4 ) ูˆู…ุง ูŠุฃุชูŠู‡ู… ู…ู† ุฐูƒุฑ ู…ู† ุงู„ุฑุญู…ู† ู…ุญุฏุซ ุฅู„ุง ูƒุงู†ูˆุง ุนู†ู‡ ู…ุนุฑุถูŠู† ( 5 ) ูู‚ุฏ ูƒุฐุจูˆุง ูุณูŠุฃุชูŠู‡ู… ุฃู†ุจุงุก ู…ุง ูƒุงู†ูˆุง ุจู‡ ูŠุณุชู‡ุฒุฆูˆู† ( 6 ) ุฃูˆู„ู… ูŠุฑูˆุง ุฅู„ู‰ ุงู„ุฃุฑุถ ูƒู… ุฃู†ุจุชู†ุง ููŠู‡ุง ู…ู† ูƒู„ ุฒูˆุฌ ูƒุฑูŠู… ( 7 ) ุฅู† ููŠ ุฐู„ูƒ ู„ุขูŠุฉ ูˆู…ุง ูƒุงู† ุฃูƒุซุฑู‡ู… ู…ุคู…ู†ูŠู† ( 8 ) ูˆุฅู† ุฑุจูƒ ู„ู‡ูˆ ุงู„ุนุฒูŠุฒ ุงู„ุฑุญูŠู… 
9 ) 

 ูˆุฅุฐ ู†ุงุฏู‰ ุฑุจูƒ ู…ูˆุณู‰ ุฃู† ุงุฆุช ุงู„ู‚ูˆู… ุงู„ุธุงู„ู…ูŠู† ( 10 ) ู‚ูˆู… ูุฑุนูˆู† ุฃู„ุง ูŠุชู‚ูˆู† ( 11 ) ู‚ุงู„ ุฑุจ ุฅู†ูŠ ุฃุฎุงู ุฃู† ูŠูƒุฐุจูˆู† ( 12 )ูˆูŠุถูŠู‚ ุตุฏุฑูŠ ูˆู„ุง ูŠู†ุทู„ู‚ ู„ุณุงู†ูŠ ูุฃุฑุณู„ ุฅู„ู‰ ู‡ุงุฑูˆู† ( 13 ) ูˆู„ู‡ู… ุนู„ูŠ ุฐู†ุจ ูุฃุฎุงู ุฃู† ูŠู‚ุชู„ูˆู† ( 14 ) ู‚ุงู„ ูƒู„ุง ูุงุฐู‡ุจุง ุจุขูŠุงุชู†ุง ุฅู†ุง ู…ุนูƒู… ู…ุณุชู…ุนูˆู† ( 15 ) ูุฃุชูŠุง ูุฑุนูˆู† ูู‚ูˆู„ุง ุฅู†ุง ุฑุณูˆู„ ุฑุจ ุงู„ุนุงู„ู…ูŠู† ( 16 ) ุฃู† ุฃุฑุณู„ ู…ุนู†ุง ุจู†ูŠ ุฅุณุฑุงุฆูŠู„ ( 17 ) ู‚ุงู„ ุฃู„ู… ู†ุฑุจูƒ ููŠู†ุง ูˆู„ูŠุฏุง ูˆู„ุจุซุช ููŠู†ุง ู…ู† ุนู…ุฑูƒ ุณู†ูŠู† ( 18 ) ูˆูุนู„ุช ูุนู„ุชูƒ ุงู„ุชูŠ ูุนู„ุช ูˆุฃู†ุช ู…ู† ุงู„ูƒุงูุฑูŠู† ( 19 ) ู‚ุงู„ ูุนู„ุชู‡ุง ุฅุฐุง ูˆุฃู†ุง ู…ู† ุงู„ุถุงู„ูŠู† ( 20 ) ููุฑุฑุช ู…ู†ูƒู… ู„ู…ุง ุฎูุชูƒู… ููˆู‡ุจ ู„ูŠ ุฑุจูŠ ุญูƒู…ุง ูˆุฌุนู„ู†ูŠ ู…ู† ุงู„ู…ุฑุณู„ูŠู† ( 21 ) ูˆุชู„ูƒ ู†ุนู…ุฉ ุชู…ู†ู‡ุง ุนู„ูŠ ุฃู† ุนุจุฏุช ุจู†ูŠ ุฅุณุฑุงุฆูŠู„ ( 22 )

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

quran and cognitive science : to hear and see

  1. ุงู„ู…
  2. ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจُ ู„ุงَ ุฑَูŠْุจَ ูِูŠู‡ِ ู‡ُุฏًู‰ ู„ِّู„ْู…ُุชَّู‚ِูŠู†َ
  3. ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ ุจِุงู„ْุบَูŠْุจِ ูˆَูŠُู‚ِูŠู…ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ุตَّู„ุงุฉَ ูˆَู…ِู…َّุง ุฑَุฒَู‚ْู†َุงู‡ُู…ْ ูŠُู†ูِู‚ُูˆู†َ
  4. ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ ุจِู…َุง ุฃُู†ุฒِู„َ ุฅِู„َูŠْูƒَ ูˆَู…َุง ุฃُู†ุฒِู„َ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ِูƒَ ูˆَุจِุงู„ุขุฎِุฑَุฉِ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠُูˆู‚ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  5. ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ุนَู„َู‰ ู‡ُุฏًู‰ ู…ِّู† ุฑَّุจِّู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุฃُูˆู„َุฆِูƒَ ู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْู…ُูْู„ِุญُูˆู†َ
  6. ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ุณَูˆَุงุกٌ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ْ ุฃَุฃَู†ุฐَุฑْุชَู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَู…ْ ู„َู…ْ ุชُู†ุฐِุฑْู‡ُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  7. ุฎَุชَู…َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุนَู„َู‰ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจِู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุนَู„َู‰ ุณَู…ْุนِู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุนَู„َู‰ ุฃَุจْุตَุงุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ุบِุดَุงูˆَุฉٌ ูˆَู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุนَุฐَุงุจٌ ุนَุธِูŠู…ٌ
  8. ูˆَู…ِู†َ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณِ ู…َู† ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُ ุขู…َู†َّุง ุจِุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَุจِุงู„ْูŠَูˆْู…ِ ุงู„ุขุฎِุฑِ ูˆَู…َุง ู‡ُู… ุจِู…ُุคْู…ِู†ِูŠู†َ
  9. ูŠُุฎَุงุฏِุนُูˆู†َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุง ูˆَู…َุง ูŠَุฎْุฏَุนُูˆู†َ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฃَู†ูُุณَู‡ُู… ูˆَู…َุง ูŠَุดْุนُุฑُูˆู†َ
  10. ูِูŠ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจِู‡ِู… ู…َّุฑَุถٌ ูَุฒَุงุฏَู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู…َุฑَุถุงً ูˆَู„َู‡ُู… ุนَุฐَุงุจٌ ุฃَู„ِูŠู…ٌ ุจِู…َุง ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุง ูŠَูƒْุฐِุจُูˆู†َ
  11. ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู‚ِูŠู„َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ุชُูْุณِุฏُูˆุงْ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฅِู†َّู…َุง ู†َุญْู†ُ ู…ُุตْู„ِุญُูˆู†َ
  12. ุฃَู„ุง ุฅِู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْู…ُูْุณِุฏُูˆู†َ ูˆَู„َูƒِู† ู„ุงَّ ูŠَุดْุนُุฑُูˆู† (destroyers don't care about what they destroy)
  13. ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู‚ِูŠู„َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุขู…ِู†ُูˆุงْ ูƒَู…َุง ุขู…َู†َ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณُ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฃَู†ُุคْู…ِู†ُ ูƒَู…َุง ุขู…َู†َ ุงู„ุณُّูَู‡َุงุก ุฃَู„ุง ุฅِู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ุณُّูَู‡َุงุก ูˆَู„َูƒِู† ู„ุงَّ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ (ref91)(ignorants don't know that they are ignorants)
  14. ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู„َู‚ُูˆุงْ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุขู…َู†َّุง ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ุฎَู„َูˆْุง ุฅِู„َู‰ ุดَูŠَุงุทِูŠู†ِู‡ِู…ْ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฅِู†َّุง ู…َุนَูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู†َّู…َุง ู†َุญْู†ُ ู…ُุณْุชَู‡ْุฒِุคُูˆู†َ (ref 76)
  15. ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ูŠَุณْุชَู‡ْุฒِุฆُ ุจِู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَูŠَู…ُุฏُّู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุทُุบْูŠَุงู†ِู‡ِู…ْ ูŠَุนْู…َู‡ُูˆู†َ
  16. ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุงุดْุชَุฑُูˆُุงْ ุงู„ุถَّู„ุงู„َุฉَ ุจِุงู„ْู‡ُุฏَู‰ ูَู…َุง ุฑَุจِุญَุช ุชِّุฌَุงุฑَุชُู‡ُู…ْ ูˆَู…َุง ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ู…ُู‡ْุชَุฏِูŠู†َ(ref 86)

  17. ู…َุซَู„ُู‡ُู…ْ ูƒَู…َุซَู„ِ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุงุณْุชَูˆْู‚َุฏَ ู†َุงุฑًุง ูَู„َู…َّุง ุฃَุถَุงุกَุชْ ู…َุง ุญَูˆْู„َู‡ُ ุฐَู‡َุจَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِู†ُูˆุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุชَุฑَูƒَู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุธُู„ُู…َุงุชٍ ู„ุงَّ ูŠُุจْุตِุฑُูˆู†َ
  18. ุตُู…ٌّ ุจُูƒْู…ٌ ุนُู…ْูŠٌ ูَู‡ُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุฑْุฌِุนُูˆู†َ
  19. ุฃَูˆْ ูƒَุตَูŠِّุจٍ ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงุก ูِูŠู‡ِ ุธُู„ُู…َุงุชٌ ูˆَุฑَุนْุฏٌ ูˆَุจَุฑْู‚ٌ ูŠَุฌْุนَู„ُูˆู†َ ุฃَุตَุงุจِุนَู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุขุฐَุงู†ِู‡ِู… ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„ุตَّูˆَุงุนِู‚ِ ุญَุฐَุฑَ ุงู„ْู…َูˆْุชِ ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู…ُุญِูŠุทٌ ุจِุงู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ
  20. ูŠَูƒَุงุฏُ ุงู„ْุจَุฑْู‚ُ ูŠَุฎْุทَูُ ุฃَุจْุตَุงุฑَู‡ُู…ْ ูƒُู„َّู…َุง ุฃَุถَุงุก ู„َู‡ُู… ู…َّุดَูˆْุง ูِูŠู‡ِ ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ุฃَุธْู„َู…َ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ْ ู‚َุงู…ُูˆุงْ ูˆَู„َูˆْ ุดَุงุก ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู„َุฐَู‡َุจَ ุจِุณَู…ْุนِู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุฃَุจْุตَุงุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ ุนَู„َู‰ ูƒُู„ِّ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ู‚َุฏِูŠุฑٌ 
  21. ูŠَุง ุฃَูŠُّู‡َุง ุงู„ู†َّุงุณُ ุงุนْุจُุฏُูˆุงْ ุฑَุจَّูƒُู…ُ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุฎَู„َู‚َูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ِูƒُู…ْ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَุชَّู‚ُูˆู†َ
  22. ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุฌَุนَู„َ ู„َูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถَ ูِุฑَุงุดุงً ูˆَุงู„ุณَّู…َุงุก ุจِู†َุงุก ูˆَุฃَู†ุฒَู„َ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงุก ู…َุงุก ูَุฃَุฎْุฑَุฌَ ุจِู‡ِ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ุซَّู…َุฑَุงุชِ ุฑِุฒْู‚ًุง ู„َّูƒُู…ْ ูَู„ุงَ ุชَุฌْุนَู„ُูˆุงْ ู„ِู„َّู‡ِ ุฃَู†ุฏَุงุฏًุง ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  23. ูˆَุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุฑَูŠْุจٍ ู…ِّู…َّุง ู†َุฒَّู„ْู†َุง ุนَู„َู‰ ุนَุจْุฏِู†َุง ูَุฃْุชُูˆุงْ ุจِุณُูˆุฑَุฉٍ ู…ِّู† ู…ِّุซْู„ِู‡ِ ูˆَุงุฏْุนُูˆุงْ ุดُู‡َุฏَุงุกَูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุฏُูˆู†ِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฅِู†ْ ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุตَุงุฏِู‚ِูŠู†َ
  24. ูَุฅِู† ู„َّู…ْ ุชَูْุนَู„ُูˆุงْ ูˆَู„َู† ุชَูْุนَู„ُูˆุงْ ูَุงุชَّู‚ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ู†َّุงุฑَ ุงู„َّุชِูŠ ูˆَู‚ُูˆุฏُู‡َุง ุงู„ู†َّุงุณُ ูˆَุงู„ْุญِุฌَุงุฑَุฉُ ุฃُุนِุฏَّุชْ ู„ِู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ 
  25. ูˆَุจَุดِّุฑِ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู† ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ูˆَุนَู…ِู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุตَّุงู„ِุญَุงุชِ ุฃَู†َّ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุฌَู†َّุงุชٍ ุชَุฌْุฑِูŠ ู…ِู† ุชَุญْุชِู‡َุง ุงู„ุฃَู†ْู‡َุงุฑُ ูƒُู„َّู…َุง ุฑُุฒِู‚ُูˆุงْ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ู…ِู† ุซَู…َุฑَุฉٍ ุฑِّุฒْู‚ًุง ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ู‡َุฐَุง ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุฑُุฒِู‚ْู†َุง ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ُ ูˆَุฃُุชُูˆุงْ ุจِู‡ِ ู…ُุชَุดَุงุจِู‡ًุง ูˆَู„َู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุฃَุฒْูˆَุงุฌٌ ู…ُّุทَู‡َّุฑَุฉٌ ูˆَู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุฎَุงู„ِุฏُูˆู†َ
  26. ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุณْุชَุญْูŠِูŠ ุฃَู† ูŠَุถْุฑِุจَ ู…َุซَู„ุงً ู…َّุง ุจَุนُูˆุถَุฉً ูَู…َุง ูَูˆْู‚َู‡َุง ูَุฃَู…َّุง ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ูَูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ ุฃَู†َّู‡ُ ุงู„ْุญَู‚ُّ ู…ِู† ุฑَّุจِّู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู…َّุง ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ูَูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆู†َ ู…َุงุฐَุง ุฃَุฑَุงุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِู‡َุฐَุง ู…َุซَู„ุงً ูŠُุถِู„ُّ ุจِู‡ِ ูƒَุซِูŠุฑًุง ูˆَูŠَู‡ْุฏِูŠ ุจِู‡ِ ูƒَุซِูŠุฑًุง ูˆَู…َุง ูŠُุถِู„ُّ ุจِู‡ِ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุงู„ْูَุงุณِู‚ِูŠู†َ
  27. ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูŠَู†ู‚ُุถُูˆู†َ ุนَู‡ْุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ِู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ู…ِูŠุซَุงู‚ِู‡ِ ูˆَูŠَู‚ْุทَุนُูˆู†َ ู…َุง ุฃَู…َุฑَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِู‡ِ ุฃَู† ูŠُูˆุตَู„َ ูˆَูŠُูْุณِุฏُูˆู†َ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْุฎَุงุณِุฑُูˆู†َ 
  28. ูƒَูŠْูَ ุชَูƒْูُุฑُูˆู†َ ุจِุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุฃَู…ْูˆَุงุชًุง ูَุฃَุญْูŠَุงูƒُู…ْ ุซُู…َّ ูŠُู…ِูŠุชُูƒُู…ْ ุซُู…َّ ูŠُุญْูŠِูŠูƒُู…ْ ุซُู…َّ ุฅِู„َูŠْู‡ِ ุชُุฑْุฌَุนُูˆู†َ
  29. ู‡ُูˆَ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุฎَู„َู‚َ ู„َูƒُู… ู…َّุง ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ุฌَู…ِูŠุนًุง ุซُู…َّ ุงุณْุชَูˆَู‰ ุฅِู„َู‰ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงุก ูَุณَูˆَّุงู‡ُู†َّ ุณَุจْุนَ ุณَู…َุงูˆَุงุชٍ ูˆَู‡ُูˆَ ุจِูƒُู„ِّ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ุนَู„ِูŠู…ٌ
  30. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚َุงู„َ ุฑَุจُّูƒَ ู„ِู„ْู…َู„ุงุฆِูƒَุฉِ ุฅِู†ِّูŠ ุฌَุงุนِู„ٌ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ุฎَู„ِูŠูَุฉً ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฃَุชَุฌْุนَู„ُ ูِูŠู‡َุง ู…َู† ูŠُูْุณِุฏُ ูِูŠู‡َุง ูˆَูŠَุณْูِูƒُ ุงู„ุฏِّู…َุงุก ูˆَู†َุญْู†ُ ู†ُุณَุจِّุญُ ุจِุญَู…ْุฏِูƒَ ูˆَู†ُู‚َุฏِّุณُ ู„َูƒَ ู‚َุงู„َ ุฅِู†ِّูŠ ุฃَุนْู„َู…ُ ู…َุง ู„ุงَ ุชَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  31. ูˆَุนَู„َّู…َ ุขุฏَู…َ ุงู„ุฃَุณْู…َุงุก ูƒُู„َّู‡َุง ุซُู…َّ ุนَุฑَุถَู‡ُู…ْ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْู…َู„ุงุฆِูƒَุฉِ ูَู‚َุงู„َ ุฃَู†ุจِุฆُูˆู†ِูŠ ุจِุฃَุณْู…َุงุก ู‡َุคُู„ุงุก ุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุตَุงุฏِู‚ِูŠู†َ
  32. ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุณُุจْุญَุงู†َูƒَ ู„ุงَ ุนِู„ْู…َ ู„َู†َุง ุฅِู„ุงَّ ู…َุง ุนَู„َّู…ْุชَู†َุง ุฅِู†َّูƒَ ุฃَู†ุชَ ุงู„ْุนَู„ِูŠู…ُ ุงู„ْุญَูƒِูŠู…ُ
  33. ู‚َุงู„َ ูŠَุง ุขุฏَู…ُ ุฃَู†ุจِุฆْู‡ُู… ุจِุฃَุณْู…َุงุฆِู‡ِู…ْ ูَู„َู…َّุง ุฃَู†ุจَุฃَู‡ُู…ْ ุจِุฃَุณْู…َุงุฆِู‡ِู…ْ ู‚َุงู„َ ุฃَู„َู…ْ ุฃَู‚ُู„ ู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู†ِّูŠ ุฃَุนْู„َู…ُ ุบَูŠْุจَ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงูˆَุงุชِ ูˆَุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ูˆَุฃَุนْู„َู…ُ ู…َุง ุชُุจْุฏُูˆู†َ ูˆَู…َุง ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَูƒْุชُู…ُูˆู†َ 
  34. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ู„ِู„ْู…َู„ุงุฆِูƒَุฉِ ุงุณْุฌُุฏُูˆุงْ ู„ุขุฏَู…َ ูَุณَุฌَุฏُูˆุงْ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฅِุจْู„ِูŠุณَ ุฃَุจَู‰ ูˆَุงุณْุชَูƒْุจَุฑَ ูˆَูƒَุงู†َ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ
  35. ูˆَู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ูŠَุง ุขุฏَู…ُ ุงุณْูƒُู†ْ ุฃَู†ุชَ ูˆَุฒَูˆْุฌُูƒَ ุงู„ْุฌَู†َّุฉَ ูˆَูƒُู„ุงَ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุฑَุบَุฏًุง ุญَูŠْุซُ ุดِุฆْุชُู…َุง ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَู‚ْุฑَุจَุง ู‡َุฐِู‡ِ ุงู„ุดَّุฌَุฑَุฉَ ูَุชَูƒُูˆู†َุง ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ุธَّุงู„ِู…ِูŠู†َ
  36. ูَุฃَุฒَู„َّู‡ُู…َุง ุงู„ุดَّูŠْุทَุงู†ُ ุนَู†ْู‡َุง ูَุฃَุฎْุฑَุฌَู‡ُู…َุง ู…ِู…َّุง ูƒَุงู†َุง ูِูŠู‡ِ ูˆَู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ุงู‡ْุจِุทُูˆุงْ ุจَุนْุถُูƒُู…ْ ู„ِุจَุนْุถٍ ุนَุฏُูˆٌّ ูˆَู„َูƒُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ู…ُุณْุชَู‚َุฑٌّ ูˆَู…َุชَุงุนٌ ุฅِู„َู‰ ุญِูŠู†ٍ
  37. ูَุชَู„َู‚َّู‰ ุขุฏَู…ُ ู…ِู† ุฑَّุจِّู‡ِ ูƒَู„ِู…َุงุชٍ ูَุชَุงุจَ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِ ุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ู‡ُูˆَ ุงู„ุชَّูˆَّุงุจُ ุงู„ุฑَّุญِูŠู…ُ
  38. ู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ุงู‡ْุจِุทُูˆุงْ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุฌَู…ِูŠุนًุง ูَุฅِู…َّุง ูŠَุฃْุชِูŠَู†َّูƒُู… ู…ِّู†ِّูŠ ู‡ُุฏًู‰ ูَู…َู† ุชَุจِุนَ ู‡ُุฏَุงูŠَ ูَู„ุงَ ุฎَูˆْูٌ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุญْุฒَู†ُูˆู†َ
  39. ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ูˆَูƒَุฐَّุจُูˆุงْ ุจِุขูŠَุงุชِู†َุง ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ุฃَุตْุญَุงุจُ ุงู„ู†َّุงุฑِ ู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุฎَุงู„ِุฏُูˆู†َ

  40. ูŠَุง ุจَู†ِูŠ ุฅِุณْุฑَุงุฆِูŠู„َ ุงุฐْูƒُุฑُูˆุงْ ู†ِุนْู…َุชِูŠَ ุงู„َّุชِูŠ ุฃَู†ْุนَู…ْุชُ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَูˆْูُูˆุงْ ุจِุนَู‡ْุฏِูŠ ุฃُูˆูِ ุจِุนَู‡ْุฏِูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฅِูŠَّุงูŠَ ูَุงุฑْู‡َุจُูˆู†ِ
  41. ูˆَุขู…ِู†ُูˆุงْ ุจِู…َุง ุฃَู†ุฒَู„ْุชُ ู…ُุตَุฏِّู‚ًุง ู„ِّู…َุง ู…َุนَูƒُู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَูƒُูˆู†ُูˆุงْ ุฃَูˆَّู„َ ูƒَุงูِุฑٍ ุจِู‡ِ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَุดْุชَุฑُูˆุงْ ุจِุขูŠَุงุชِูŠ ุซَู…َู†ًุง ู‚َู„ِูŠู„ุงً ูˆَุฅِูŠَّุงูŠَ ูَุงุชَّู‚ُูˆู†ِ
  42. ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَู„ْุจِุณُูˆุงْ ุงู„ْุญَู‚َّ ุจِุงู„ْุจَุงุทِู„ِ ูˆَุชَูƒْุชُู…ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ْุญَู‚َّ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  43. ูˆَุฃَู‚ِูŠู…ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุตَّู„ุงุฉَ ูˆَุขุชُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุฒَّูƒَุงุฉَ ูˆَุงุฑْูƒَุนُูˆุงْ ู…َุนَ ุงู„ุฑَّุงูƒِุนِูŠู†َ
  44. ุฃَุชَุฃْู…ُุฑُูˆู†َ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณَ ุจِุงู„ْุจِุฑِّ ูˆَุชَู†ุณَูˆْู†َ ุฃَู†ูُุณَูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَุชْู„ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ุฃَูَู„ุงَ ุชَุนْู‚ِู„ُูˆู†َ
  45. ูˆَุงุณْุชَุนِูŠู†ُูˆุงْ ุจِุงู„ุตَّุจْุฑِ ูˆَุงู„ุตَّู„ุงุฉِ ูˆَุฅِู†َّู‡َุง ู„َูƒَุจِูŠุฑَุฉٌ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْุฎَุงุดِุนِูŠู†َ
  46. ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูŠَุธُู†ُّูˆู†َ ุฃَู†َّู‡ُู… ู…ُّู„ุงู‚ُูˆุง ุฑَุจِّู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ุฅِู„َูŠْู‡ِ ุฑَุงุฌِุนُูˆู†َ
  47. ูŠَุง ุจَู†ِูŠ ุฅِุณْุฑَุงุฆِูŠู„َ ุงุฐْูƒُุฑُูˆุงْ ู†ِุนْู…َุชِูŠَ ุงู„َّุชِูŠ ุฃَู†ْุนَู…ْุชُ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†ِّูŠ ูَุถَّู„ْุชُูƒُู…ْ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْุนَุงู„َู…ِูŠู†َ
  48. ูˆَุงุชَّู‚ُูˆุงْ ูŠَูˆْู…ًุง ู„ุงَّ ุชَุฌْุฒِูŠ ู†َูْุณٌ ุนَู† ู†َّูْุณٍ ุดَูŠْุฆًุง ูˆَู„ุงَ ูŠُู‚ْุจَู„ُ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุดَูَุงุนَุฉٌ ูˆَู„ุงَ ูŠُุคْุฎَุฐُ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุนَุฏْู„ٌ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠُู†ุตَุฑُูˆู†َ

  49. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู†َุฌَّูŠْู†َุงูƒُู… ู…ِّู†ْ ุขู„ِ ูِุฑْุนَูˆْู†َ ูŠَุณُูˆู…ُูˆู†َูƒُู…ْ ุณُูˆุกَ ุงู„ْุนَุฐَุงุจِ ูŠُุฐَุจِّุญُูˆู†َ ุฃَุจْู†َุงุกَูƒُู…ْ ูˆَูŠَุณْุชَุญْูŠُูˆู†َ ู†ِุณَุงุกูƒُู…ْ ูˆَูِูŠ ุฐَู„ِูƒُู… ุจَู„ุงุก ู…ِّู† ุฑَّุจِّูƒُู…ْ ุนَุธِูŠู…ٌ
  50. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ูَุฑَู‚ْู†َุง ุจِูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ْุจَุญْุฑَ ูَุฃَู†ุฌَูŠْู†َุงูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَุบْุฑَู‚ْู†َุง ุขู„َ ูِุฑْุนَูˆْู†َ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَู†ุธُุฑُูˆู†َ 
  51. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ูˆَุงุนَุฏْู†َุง ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ุฃَุฑْุจَุนِูŠู†َ ู„َูŠْู„َุฉً ุซُู…َّ ุงุชَّุฎَุฐْุชُู…ُ ุงู„ْุนِุฌْู„َ ู…ِู† ุจَุนْุฏِู‡ِ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุธَุงู„ِู…ُูˆู†َ
  52. ุซُู…َّ ุนَูَูˆْู†َุง ุนَู†ูƒُู…ِ ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَุดْูƒُุฑُูˆู†َ
  53. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ุขุชَูŠْู†َุง ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ูˆَุงู„ْูُุฑْู‚َุงู†َ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَู‡ْุชَุฏُูˆู†َ
  54. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚َุงู„َ ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู„ِู‚َูˆْู…ِู‡ِ ูŠَุง ู‚َูˆْู…ِ ุฅِู†َّูƒُู…ْ ุธَู„َู…ْุชُู…ْ ุฃَู†ูُุณَูƒُู…ْ ุจِุงุชِّุฎَุงุฐِูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ْุนِุฌْู„َ ูَุชُูˆุจُูˆุงْ ุฅِู„َู‰ ุจَุงุฑِุฆِูƒُู…ْ ูَุงู‚ْุชُู„ُูˆุงْ ุฃَู†ูُุณَูƒُู…ْ ุฐَู„ِูƒُู…ْ ุฎَูŠْุฑٌ ู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุจَุงุฑِุฆِูƒُู…ْ ูَุชَุงุจَ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ู‡ُูˆَ ุงู„ุชَّูˆَّุงุจُ ุงู„ุฑَّุญِูŠู…ُ
  55. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚ُู„ْุชُู…ْ ูŠَุง ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู„َู† ู†ُّุคْู…ِู†َ ู„َูƒَ ุญَุชَّู‰ ู†َุฑَู‰ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ุฌَู‡ْุฑَุฉً ูَุฃَุฎَุฐَุชْูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ุตَّุงุนِู‚َุฉُ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَู†ุธُุฑُูˆู†َ
  56. ุซُู…َّ ุจَุนَุซْู†َุงูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ู…َูˆْุชِูƒُู…ْ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَุดْูƒُุฑُูˆู†َ(ref52)

  57. ูˆَุธَู„َّู„ْู†َุง ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ْุบَู…َุงู…َ ูˆَุฃَู†ุฒَู„ْู†َุง ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ْู…َู†َّ ูˆَุงู„ุณَّู„ْูˆَู‰ ูƒُู„ُูˆุงْ ู…ِู† ุทَูŠِّุจَุงุชِ ู…َุง ุฑَุฒَู‚ْู†َุงูƒُู…ْ ูˆَู…َุง ุธَู„َู…ُูˆู†َุง ูˆَู„َูƒِู† ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ุฃَู†ูُุณَู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุธْู„ِู…ُูˆู†َ
  58. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ุงุฏْุฎُู„ُูˆุงْ ู‡َุฐِู‡ِ ุงู„ْู‚َุฑْูŠَุฉَ ูَูƒُู„ُูˆุงْ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุญَูŠْุซُ ุดِุฆْุชُู…ْ ุฑَุบَุฏًุง ูˆَุงุฏْุฎُู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ْุจَุงุจَ ุณُุฌَّุฏًุง ูˆَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆุงْ ุญِุทَّุฉٌ ู†َّุบْูِุฑْ ู„َูƒُู…ْ ุฎَุทَุงูŠَุงูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุณَู†َุฒِูŠุฏُ ุงู„ْู…ُุญْุณِู†ِูŠู†َ(ref35)
  59. ูَุจَุฏَّู„َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุธَู„َู…ُูˆุงْ ู‚َูˆْู„ุงً ุบَูŠْุฑَ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ู‚ِูŠู„َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ูَุฃَู†ุฒَู„ْู†َุง ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุธَู„َู…ُูˆุงْ ุฑِุฌْุฒًุง ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงุก ุจِู…َุง ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูŠَูْุณُู‚ُูˆู†َ 
  60. ูˆَุฅِุฐِ ุงุณْุชَุณْู‚َู‰ ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู„ِู‚َูˆْู…ِู‡ِ ูَู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ุงุถْุฑِุจ ุจِّุนَุตَุงูƒَ ุงู„ْุญَุฌَุฑَ ูَุงู†ูَุฌَุฑَุชْ ู…ِู†ْู‡ُ ุงุซْู†َุชَุง ุนَุดْุฑَุฉَ ุนَูŠْู†ًุง ู‚َุฏْ ุนَู„ِู…َ ูƒُู„ُّ ุฃُู†َุงุณٍ ู…َّุดْุฑَุจَู‡ُู…ْ ูƒُู„ُูˆุงْ ูˆَุงุดْุฑَุจُูˆุงْ ู…ِู† ุฑِّุฒْู‚ِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَุนْุซَูˆْุง ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ู…ُูْุณِุฏِูŠู†َ 
  61. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚ُู„ْุชُู…ْ ูŠَุง ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู„َู† ู†َّุตْุจِุฑَ ุนَู„َู‰َ ุทَุนَุงู…ٍ ูˆَุงุญِุฏٍ ูَุงุฏْุนُ ู„َู†َุง ุฑَุจَّูƒَ ูŠُุฎْุฑِุฌْ ู„َู†َุง ู…ِู…َّุง ุชُู†ุจِุชُ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถُ ู…ِู† ุจَู‚ْู„ِู‡َุง ูˆَู‚ِุซَّุงุฆِู‡َุง ูˆَูُูˆู…ِู‡َุง ูˆَุนَุฏَุณِู‡َุง ูˆَุจَุตَู„ِู‡َุงู‚َุงู„َ ุฃَุชَุณْุชَุจْุฏِู„ُูˆู†َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ู‡ُูˆَ ุฃَุฏْู†َู‰ ุจِุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ู‡ُูˆَ ุฎَูŠْุฑٌ ุงู‡ْุจِุทُูˆุงْ ู…ِุตْุฑุงً ูَุฅِู†َّ ู„َูƒُู… ู…َّุง ุณَุฃَู„ْุชُู…ْ ูˆَุถُุฑِุจَุชْ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ُ ุงู„ุฐِّู„َّุฉُ ูˆَุงู„ْู…َุณْูƒَู†َุฉُ ูˆَุจَุงุคُูˆุงْ ุจِุบَุถَุจٍ ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ุจِุฃَู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูŠَูƒْูُุฑُูˆู†َ ุจِุขูŠَุงุชِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَูŠَู‚ْุชُู„ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ู†َّุจِูŠِّูŠู†َ ุจِุบَูŠْุฑِ ุงู„ْุญَู‚ِّ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ุจِู…َุง ุนَุตَูˆุงْ ูˆَّูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูŠَุนْุชَุฏُูˆู†َ(ref38)
  62. ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ู‡َุงุฏُูˆุงْ ูˆَุงู„ู†َّุตَุงุฑَู‰ ูˆَุงู„ุตَّุงุจِุฆِูŠู†َ ู…َู†ْ ุขู…َู†َ ุจِุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَุงู„ْูŠَูˆْู…ِ ุงู„ุขุฎِุฑِ ูˆَุนَู…ِู„َ ุตَุงู„ِุญًุง ูَู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَุฌْุฑُู‡ُู…ْ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุฑَุจِّู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุฎَูˆْูٌ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุญْุฒَู†ُูˆู†َ
  63. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ุฃَุฎَุฐْู†َุง ู…ِูŠุซَุงู‚َูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฑَูَุนْู†َุง ูَูˆْู‚َูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ุทُّูˆุฑَ ุฎُุฐُูˆุงْ ู…َุง ุขุชَูŠْู†َุงูƒُู… ุจِู‚ُูˆَّุฉٍ ูˆَุงุฐْูƒُุฑُูˆุงْ ู…َุง ูِูŠู‡ِ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَุชَّู‚ُูˆู†َ
  64. ุซُู…َّ ุชَูˆَู„َّูŠْุชُู… ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ูَู„َูˆْู„ุงَ ูَุถْู„ُ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฑَุญْู…َุชُู‡ُ ู„َูƒُู†ุชُู… ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„ْุฎَุงุณِุฑِูŠู†َ
  65. ูˆَู„َู‚َุฏْ ุนَู„ِู…ْุชُู…ُ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุงุนْุชَุฏَูˆْุง ู…ِู†ูƒُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุณَّุจْุชِ ูَู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ูƒُูˆู†ُูˆุงْ ู‚ِุฑَุฏَุฉً ุฎَุงุณِุฆِูŠู†َ
  66. ูَุฌَุนَู„ْู†َุงู‡َุง ู†َูƒَุงู„ุงً ู„ِّู…َุง ุจَูŠْู†َ ูŠَุฏَูŠْู‡َุง ูˆَู…َุง ุฎَู„ْูَู‡َุง ูˆَู…َูˆْุนِุธَุฉً ู„ِّู„ْู…ُุชَّู‚ِูŠู†َ
  67. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚َุงู„َ ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู„ِู‚َูˆْู…ِู‡ِ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ูŠَุฃْู…ُุฑُูƒُู…ْ ุฃَู†ْ ุชَุฐْุจَุญُูˆุงْ ุจَู‚َุฑَุฉً ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฃَุชَุชَّุฎِุฐُู†َุง ู‡ُุฒُูˆًุง ู‚َุงู„َ ุฃَุนُูˆุฐُ ุจِุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฃَู†ْ ุฃَูƒُูˆู†َ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ْุฌَุงู‡ِู„ِูŠู†َ
  68. ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุงุฏْุนُ ู„َู†َุง ุฑَุจَّูƒَ ูŠُุจَูŠِّู† ู„َّู†َุง ู…َุง ู‡ِูŠَ ู‚َุงู„َ ุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُ ุฅِู†َّู‡َุง ุจَู‚َุฑَุฉٌ ู„ุงَّ ูَุงุฑِุถٌ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุจِูƒْุฑٌ ุนَูˆَุงู†ٌ ุจَูŠْู†َ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ูَุงูْุนَู„ُูˆุงْ ู…َุง ุชُุคْู…َุฑُูˆู†َ
  69. ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุงุฏْุนُ ู„َู†َุง ุฑَุจَّูƒَ ูŠُุจَูŠِّู† ู„َّู†َุง ู…َุง ู„َูˆْู†ُู‡َุง ู‚َุงู„َ ุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُ ุฅِู†َّู‡َุง ุจَู‚َุฑَุฉٌ ุตَูْุฑَุงุก ูَุงู‚ِุนٌ ู„َّูˆْู†ُู‡َุง ุชَุณُุฑُّ ุงู„ู†َّุงุธِุฑِูŠู†َ
  70. ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุงุฏْุนُ ู„َู†َุง ุฑَุจَّูƒَ ูŠُุจَูŠِّู† ู„َّู†َุง ู…َุง ู‡ِูŠَ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ْุจَู‚َุฑَ ุชَุดَุงุจَู‡َ ุนَู„َูŠْู†َุง ูˆَุฅِู†َّุง ุฅِู† ุดَุงุก ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู„َู…ُู‡ْุชَุฏُูˆู†َ
  71. ู‚َุงู„َ ุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُ ุฅِู†َّู‡َุง ุจَู‚َุฑَุฉٌ ู„ุงَّ ุฐَู„ُูˆู„ٌ ุชُุซِูŠุฑُ ุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถَ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَุณْู‚ِูŠ ุงู„ْุญَุฑْุซَ ู…ُุณَู„َّู…َุฉٌ ู„ุงَّ ุดِูŠَุฉَ ูِูŠู‡َุง ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุขู†َ ุฌِุฆْุชَ ุจِุงู„ْุญَู‚ِّ ูَุฐَุจَุญُูˆู‡َุง ูˆَู…َุง ูƒَุงุฏُูˆุงْ ูŠَูْุนَู„ُูˆู†َ 

  72. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ู‚َุชَู„ْุชُู…ْ ู†َูْุณًุง ูَุงุฏَّุงุฑَุฃْุชُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู…ُุฎْุฑِุฌٌ ู…َّุง ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَูƒْุชُู…ُูˆู†َ
  73. ูَู‚ُู„ْู†َุง ุงุถْุฑِุจُูˆู‡ُ ุจِุจَุนْุถِู‡َุง ูƒَุฐَู„ِูƒَ ูŠُุญْูŠِูŠ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุงู„ْู…َูˆْุชَู‰ ูˆَูŠُุฑِูŠูƒُู…ْ ุขูŠَุงุชِู‡ِ ู„َุนَู„َّูƒُู…ْ ุชَุนْู‚ِู„ُูˆู†َ
  74. ุซُู…َّ ู‚َุณَุชْ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจُูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ูَู‡ِูŠَ ูƒَุงู„ْุญِุฌَุงุฑَุฉِ ุฃَูˆْ ุฃَุดَุฏُّ ู‚َุณْูˆَุฉً ูˆَุฅِู†َّ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ْุญِุฌَุงุฑَุฉِ ู„َู…َุง ูŠَุชَูَุฌَّุฑُ ู…ِู†ْู‡ُ ุงู„ุฃَู†ْู‡َุงุฑُ ูˆَุฅِู†َّ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ู„َู…َุง ูŠَุดَّู‚َّู‚ُ ูَูŠَุฎْุฑُุฌُ ู…ِู†ْู‡ُ ุงู„ْู…َุงุก ูˆَุฅِู†َّ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ู„َู…َุง ูŠَู‡ْุจِุทُ ู…ِู†ْ ุฎَุดْูŠَุฉِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَู…َุง ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِุบَุงูِู„ٍ ุนَู…َّุง ุชَุนْู…َู„ُูˆู†َ

  75. ุฃَูَุชَุทْู…َุนُูˆู†َ ุฃَู† ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆุงْ ู„َูƒُู…ْ ูˆَู‚َุฏْ ูƒَุงู†َ ูَุฑِูŠู‚ٌ ู…ِّู†ْู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุณْู…َุนُูˆู†َ ูƒَู„ุงู…َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุซُู…َّ ูŠُุญَุฑِّูُูˆู†َู‡ُ ู…ِู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ู…َุง ุนَู‚َู„ُูˆู‡ُ ูˆَู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  76. ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู„َู‚ُูˆุงْ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุขู…َู†َّุง ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ุฎَู„ุงَ ุจَุนْุถُู‡ُู…ْ ุฅِู„َู‰َ ุจَุนْุถٍ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุฃَุชُุญَุฏِّุซُูˆู†َู‡ُู… ุจِู…َุง ูَุชَุญَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ู„ِูŠُุญَุงุฌُّูˆูƒُู… ุจِู‡ِ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุฑَุจِّูƒُู…ْ ุฃَูَู„ุงَ ุชَุนْู‚ِู„ُูˆู†َ
  77. ุฃَูˆَู„ุงَ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ ุฃَู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُ ู…َุง ูŠُุณِุฑُّูˆู†َ ูˆَู…َุง ูŠُุนْู„ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  78. ูˆَู…ِู†ْู‡ُู…ْ ุฃُู…ِّูŠُّูˆู†َ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฃَู…َุงู†ِูŠَّ ูˆَุฅِู†ْ ู‡ُู…ْ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ูŠَุธُู†ُّูˆู†َ
  79. ูَูˆَูŠْู„ٌ ู„ِّู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูŠَูƒْุชُุจُูˆู†َ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ุจِุฃَูŠْุฏِูŠู‡ِู…ْ ุซُู…َّ ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆู†َ ู‡َุฐَุง ู…ِู†ْ ุนِู†ุฏِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู„ِูŠَุดْุชَุฑُูˆุงْ ุจِู‡ِ ุซَู…َู†ًุง ู‚َู„ِูŠู„ุงً ูَูˆَูŠْู„ٌ ู„َّู‡ُู… ู…ِّู…َّุง ูƒَุชَุจَุชْ ุฃَูŠْุฏِูŠู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَูˆَูŠْู„ٌ ู„َّู‡ُู…ْ ู…ِّู…َّุง ูŠَูƒْุณِุจُูˆู†َ 

  80. ูˆَู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ู„َู† ุชَู…َุณَّู†َุง ุงู„ู†َّุงุฑُ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฃَูŠَّุงู…ًุง ู…َّุนْุฏُูˆุฏَุฉً ู‚ُู„ْ ุฃَุชَّุฎَุฐْุชُู…ْ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุนَู‡ْุฏًุง ูَู„َู† ูŠُุฎْู„ِูَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุนَู‡ْุฏَู‡ُ ุฃَู…ْ ุชَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆู†َ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…َุง ู„ุงَ ุชَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  81. ุจَู„َู‰ ู…َู† ูƒَุณَุจَ ุณَูŠِّุฆَุฉً ูˆَุฃَุญَุงุทَุชْ ุจِู‡ِ ุฎَุทِูŠุฆَุชُู‡ُ ูَุฃُูˆู„َุฆِูƒَ ุฃَุตْุญَุงุจُ ุงู„ู†َّุงุฑِ ู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุฎَุงู„ِุฏُูˆู†َ
  82. ูˆَุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ูˆَุนَู…ِู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุตَّุงู„ِุญَุงุชِ ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ุฃَุตْุญَุงุจُ ุงู„ْุฌَู†َّุฉِ ู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุฎَุงู„ِุฏُูˆู†َ

  83. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ุฃَุฎَุฐْู†َุง ู…ِูŠุซَุงู‚َ ุจَู†ِูŠ ุฅِุณْุฑَุงุฆِูŠู„َ ู„ุงَ ุชَุนْุจُุฏُูˆู†َ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ูˆَุจِุงู„ْูˆَุงู„ِุฏَูŠْู†ِ ุฅِุญْุณَุงู†ًุง ูˆَุฐِูŠ ุงู„ْู‚ُุฑْุจَู‰ ูˆَุงู„ْูŠَุชَุงู…َู‰ ูˆَุงู„ْู…َุณَุงูƒِูŠู†ِ ูˆَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆุงْ ู„ِู„ู†َّุงุณِ ุญُุณْู†ًุง ูˆَุฃَู‚ِูŠู…ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุตَّู„ุงุฉَ ูˆَุขุชُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุฒَّูƒَุงุฉَุซُู…َّ ุชَูˆَู„َّูŠْุชُู…ْ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ู‚َู„ِูŠู„ุงً ู…ِّู†ูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู… ู…ُّุนْุฑِุถُูˆู†َ (ref63,64) 
  84. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ุฃَุฎَุฐْู†َุง ู…ِูŠุซَุงู‚َูƒُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ุชَุณْูِูƒُูˆู†َ ุฏِู…َุงุกَูƒُู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชُุฎْุฑِุฌُูˆู†َ ุฃَู†ูُุณَูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุฏِูŠَุงุฑِูƒُู…ْ ุซُู…َّ ุฃَู‚ْุฑَุฑْุชُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุชَุดْู‡َุฏُูˆู†َ
  85. ุซُู…َّ ุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ู‡َุคُู„ุงุก ุชَู‚ْุชُู„ُูˆู†َ ุฃَู†ูُุณَูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุชُุฎْุฑِุฌُูˆู†َ ูَุฑِูŠู‚ًุง ู…ِّู†ูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุฏِูŠَุงุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ุชَุธَุงู‡َุฑُูˆู†َ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู… ุจِุงู„ุฅِุซْู…ِ ูˆَุงู„ْุนُุฏْูˆَุงู†ِ ูˆَุฅِู† ูŠَุฃْุชُูˆูƒُู…ْ ุฃُุณَุงุฑَู‰ ุชُูَุงุฏُูˆู‡ُู…ْ ูˆَู‡ُูˆَ ู…ُุญَุฑَّู…ٌ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ุฅِุฎْุฑَุงุฌُู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَูَุชُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ ุจِุจَุนْุถِ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจِ ูˆَุชَูƒْูُุฑُูˆู†َ ุจِุจَุนْุถٍ ูَู…َุง ุฌَุฒَุงุก ู…َู† ูŠَูْุนَู„ُ ุฐَู„ِูƒَ ู…ِู†ูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฎِุฒْูŠٌ ูِูŠ ุงู„ْุญَูŠَุงุฉِ ุงู„ุฏُّู†ْูŠَุง ูˆَูŠَูˆْู…َ ุงู„ْู‚ِูŠَุงู…َุฉِ ูŠُุฑَุฏُّูˆู†َ ุฅِู„َู‰ ุฃَุดَุฏِّ ุงู„ْุนَุฐَุงุจِ ูˆَู…َุง ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِุบَุงูِู„ٍ ุนَู…َّุง ุชَุนْู…َู„ُูˆู†َ
  86. ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุงุดْุชَุฑَูˆُุงْ ุงู„ْุญَูŠَุงุฉَ ุงู„ุฏُّู†ْูŠَุง ุจِุงู„ุขุฎِุฑَุฉِ ูَู„ุงَ ูŠُุฎَูَّูُ ุนَู†ْู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْุนَุฐَุงุจُ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠُู†ุตَุฑُูˆู†َ(ref 16)
  87. ูˆَู„َู‚َุฏْ ุขุชَูŠْู†َุง ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ูˆَู‚َูَّูŠْู†َุง ู…ِู† ุจَุนْุฏِู‡ِ ุจِุงู„ุฑُّุณُู„ِ ูˆَุขุชَูŠْู†َุง ุนِูŠุณَู‰ ุงุจْู†َ ู…َุฑْูŠَู…َ ุงู„ْุจَูŠِّู†َุงุชِ ูˆَุฃَูŠَّุฏْู†َุงู‡ُ ุจِุฑُูˆุญِ ุงู„ْู‚ُุฏُุณِ ุฃَูَูƒُู„َّู…َุง ุฌَุงุกَูƒُู…ْ ุฑَุณُูˆู„ٌ ุจِู…َุง ู„ุงَ ุชَู‡ْูˆَู‰ ุฃَู†ูُุณُูƒُู…ُ ุงุณْุชَูƒْุจَุฑْุชُู…ْ ูَูَุฑِูŠู‚ุงً ูƒَุฐَّุจْุชُู…ْ ูˆَูَุฑِูŠู‚ًุง ุชَู‚ْุชُู„ُูˆู†َ
  88. ูˆَู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจُู†َุง ุบُู„ْูٌ ุจَู„ ู„َّุนَู†َู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ ุจِูƒُูْุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ูَู‚َู„ِูŠู„ุงً ู…َّุง ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  89. ูˆَู„َู…َّุง ุฌَุงุกَู‡ُู…ْ ูƒِุชَุงุจٌ ู…ِّู†ْ ุนِู†ุฏِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ُุตَุฏِّู‚ٌ ู„ِّู…َุง ู…َุนَู‡ُู…ْ ูˆَูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ُ ูŠَุณْุชَูْุชِุญُูˆู†َ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ูَู„َู…َّุง ุฌَุงุกَู‡ُู… ู…َّุง ุนَุฑَูُูˆุงْ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ุจِู‡ِ ูَู„َุนْู†َุฉُ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ
  90. ุจِุฆْุณَู…َุง ุงุดْุชَุฑَูˆْุง ุจِู‡ِ ุฃَู†ูُุณَู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَู† ูŠَูƒْูُุฑُูˆุงْ ุจِู…َุง ุฃَู†ุฒَู„َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจَุบْูŠًุง ุฃَู† ูŠُู†َุฒِّู„َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู…ِู† ูَุถْู„ِู‡ِ ุนَู„َู‰ ู…َู† ูŠَุดَุงุก ู…ِู†ْ ุนِุจَุงุฏِู‡ِ 
     ูَุจَุงุคُูˆุงْ ุจِุบَุถَุจٍ ุนَู„َู‰ ุบَุถَุจٍ ูˆَู„ِู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ ุนَุฐَุงุจٌ ู…ُّู‡ِูŠู†ٌ 
  91. ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู‚ِูŠู„َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุขู…ِู†ُูˆุงْ ุจِู…َุง ุฃَู†ุฒَู„َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ู†ُุคْู…ِู†ُ ุจِู…َุง ุฃُู†ุฒِู„َ ุนَู„َูŠْู†َุง ูˆَูŠَูƒْูُุฑُูˆู†َ ุจِู…َุง ูˆَุฑَุงุกู‡ُ ูˆَู‡ُูˆَ ุงู„ْุญَู‚ُّ ู…ُุตَุฏِّู‚ًุง ู„ِّู…َุง ู…َุนَู‡ُู…ْ ู‚ُู„ْ ูَู„ِู…َ ุชَู‚ْุชُู„ُูˆู†َ ุฃَู†ุจِูŠَุงุก ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ُ ุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู… ู…ُّุคْู…ِู†ِูŠู†َ
  92. ูˆَู„َู‚َุฏْ ุฌَุงุกَูƒُู… ู…ُّูˆุณَู‰ ุจِุงู„ْุจَูŠِّู†َุงุชِ ุซُู…َّ ุงุชَّุฎَุฐْุชُู…ُ ุงู„ْุนِุฌْู„َ ู…ِู† ุจَุนْุฏِู‡ِ ูˆَุฃَู†ุชُู…ْ ุธَุงู„ِู…ُูˆู†َ 
  93. ูˆَุฅِุฐْ ุฃَุฎَุฐْู†َุง ู…ِูŠุซَุงู‚َูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฑَูَุนْู†َุง ูَูˆْู‚َูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ุทُّูˆุฑَ ุฎُุฐُูˆุงْ ู…َุง ุขุชَูŠْู†َุงูƒُู… ุจِู‚ُูˆَّุฉٍ ูˆَุงุณْู…َุนُูˆุงْ ู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุณَู…ِุนْู†َุง ูˆَุนَุตَูŠْู†َุง ูˆَุฃُุดْุฑِุจُูˆุงْ ูِูŠ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจِู‡ِู…ُ ุงู„ْุนِุฌْู„َ ุจِูƒُูْุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ู‚ُู„ْ ุจِุฆْุณَู…َุง ูŠَุฃْู…ُุฑُูƒُู…ْ ุจِู‡ِ ุฅِูŠู…َุงู†ُูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ู…ُّุคْู…ِู†ِูŠู†َ
  94. ู‚ُู„ْ ุฅِู† ูƒَุงู†َุชْ ู„َูƒُู…ُ ุงู„ุฏَّุงุฑُ ุงู„ุขุฎِุฑَุฉُ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฎَุงู„ِุตَุฉً ู…ِّู† ุฏُูˆู†ِ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณِ ูَุชَู…َู†َّูˆُุงْ ุงู„ْู…َูˆْุชَ ุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุตَุงุฏِู‚ِูŠู†َ
  95. ูˆَู„َู† ูŠَุชَู…َู†َّูˆْู‡ُ ุฃَุจَุฏًุง ุจِู…َุง ู‚َุฏَّู…َุชْ ุฃَูŠْุฏِูŠู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุนَู„ِูŠู…ٌ ุจِุงู„ุธَّุงู„ِู…ِูŠู†َ
  96. ูˆَู„َุชَุฌِุฏَู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَุญْุฑَุตَ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณِ ุนَู„َู‰ ุญَูŠَุงุฉٍ ูˆَู…ِู†َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุฃَุดْุฑَูƒُูˆุงْ ูŠَูˆَุฏُّ ุฃَุญَุฏُู‡ُู…ْ ู„َูˆْ ูŠُุนَู…َّุฑُ ุฃَู„ْูَ ุณَู†َุฉٍ ูˆَู…َุง ู‡ُูˆَ ุจِู…ُุฒَุญْุฒِุญِู‡ِ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ْุนَุฐَุงุจِ ุฃَู† ูŠُุนَู…َّุฑَ ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจَุตِูŠุฑٌ ุจِู…َุง ูŠَุนْู…َู„ُูˆู†َ
  97. ู‚ُู„ْ ู…َู† ูƒَุงู†َ ุนَุฏُูˆًّุง ู„ِّุฌِุจْุฑِูŠู„َ ูَุฅِู†َّู‡ُ ู†َุฒَّู„َู‡ُ ุนَู„َู‰ ู‚َู„ْุจِูƒَ ุจِุฅِุฐْู†ِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ُุตَุฏِّู‚ًุง ู„ِّู…َุง ุจَูŠْู†َ ูŠَุฏَูŠْู‡ِ ูˆَู‡ُุฏًู‰ ูˆَุจُุดْุฑَู‰ ู„ِู„ْู…ُุคْู…ِู†ِูŠู†َ
  98. ู…َู† ูƒَุงู†َ ุนَุฏُูˆًّุง ู„ِّู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَู…َู„ุงุฆِูƒَุชِู‡ِ ูˆَุฑُุณُู„ِู‡ِ ูˆَุฌِุจْุฑِูŠู„َ ูˆَู…ِูŠูƒَุงู„َ ูَุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ุนَุฏُูˆٌّ ู„ِّู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ
  99. ูˆَู„َู‚َุฏْ ุฃَู†ุฒَู„ْู†َุง ุฅِู„َูŠْูƒَ ุขูŠَุงุชٍ ุจَูŠِّู†َุงุชٍ ูˆَู…َุง ูŠَูƒْูُุฑُ ุจِู‡َุง ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุงู„ْูَุงุณِู‚ُูˆู†َ
  100. ุฃَูˆَูƒُู„َّู…َุง ุนَุงู‡َุฏُูˆุงْ ุนَู‡ْุฏًุง ู†َّุจَุฐَู‡ُ ูَุฑِูŠู‚ٌ ู…ِّู†ْู‡ُู… ุจَู„ْ ุฃَูƒْุซَุฑُู‡ُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  101. ูˆَู„َู…َّุง ุฌَุงุกَู‡ُู…ْ ุฑَุณُูˆู„ٌ ู…ِّู†ْ ุนِู†ุฏِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ُุตَุฏِّู‚ٌ ู„ِّู…َุง ู…َุนَู‡ُู…ْ ู†َุจَุฐَ ูَุฑِูŠู‚ٌ ู…ِّู†َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุฃُูˆุชُูˆุงْ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ูƒِุชَุงุจَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَุฑَุงุก ุธُู‡ُูˆุฑِู‡ِู…ْ ูƒَุฃَู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  102. ูˆَุงุชَّุจَุนُูˆุงْ ู…َุง ุชَุชْู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุดَّูŠَุงุทِูŠู†ُ ุนَู„َู‰ ู…ُู„ْูƒِ ุณُู„َูŠْู…َุงู†َ ูˆَู…َุง ูƒَูَุฑَ ุณُู„َูŠْู…َุงู†ُ ูˆَู„َูƒِู†َّ ุงู„ุดَّูŠَุงุทِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ูŠُุนَู„ِّู…ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ู†َّุงุณَ ุงู„ุณِّุญْุฑَ ูˆَู…َุง ุฃُู†ุฒِู„َ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْู…َู„َูƒَูŠْู†ِ ุจِุจَุงุจِู„َ ู‡َุงุฑُูˆุชَ ูˆَู…َุงุฑُูˆุชَ ูˆَู…َุง ูŠُุนَู„ِّู…َุงู†ِ ู…ِู†ْ ุฃَุญَุฏٍ ุญَุชَّู‰ ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ุงَ ุฅِู†َّู…َุง ู†َุญْู†ُ ูِุชْู†َุฉٌ ูَู„ุงَ ุชَูƒْูُุฑْ ูَูŠَุชَุนَู„َّู…ُูˆู†َ ู…ِู†ْู‡ُู…َุง ู…َุง ูŠُูَุฑِّู‚ُูˆู†َ ุจِู‡ِ ุจَูŠْู†َ ุงู„ْู…َุฑْุกِ ูˆَุฒَูˆْุฌِู‡ِ ูˆَู…َุง ู‡ُู… ุจِุถَุงุฑِّูŠู†َ ุจِู‡ِ ู…ِู†ْ ุฃَุญَุฏٍ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุจِุฅِุฐْู†ِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَูŠَุชَุนَู„َّู…ُูˆู†َ ู…َุง ูŠَุถُุฑُّู‡ُู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ูŠَู†ูَุนُู‡ُู…ْ ูˆَู„َู‚َุฏْ ุนَู„ِู…ُูˆุงْ ู„َู…َู†ِ ุงุดْุชَุฑَุงู‡ُ ู…َุง ู„َู‡ُ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุขุฎِุฑَุฉِ ู…ِู†ْ ุฎَู„ุงู‚ٍ ูˆَู„َุจِุฆْุณَ ู…َุง ุดَุฑَูˆْุง ุจِู‡ِ ุฃَู†ูُุณَู‡ُู…ْ ู„َูˆْ ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ
  103. ูˆَู„َูˆْ ุฃَู†َّู‡ُู…ْ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ูˆَุงุชَّู‚َูˆْุง ู„َู…َุซُูˆุจَุฉٌ ู…ِّู†ْ ุนِู†ุฏِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ ุฎَูŠْุฑٌ ู„َّูˆْ ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ 
  104. ูŠَุง ุฃَูŠُّู‡َุง ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขู…َู†ُูˆุงْ ู„ุงَ ุชَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆุงْ ุฑَุงุนِู†َุง ูˆَู‚ُูˆู„ُูˆุงْ ุงู†ุธُุฑْู†َุง ูˆَุงุณْู…َุนُูˆุง ูˆَู„ِู„ْูƒَุงูِุฑِูŠู†َ ุนَุฐَุงุจٌ ุฃَู„ِูŠู…ٌ
  105. ู…َّุง ูŠَูˆَุฏُّ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ูƒَูَุฑُูˆุงْ ู…ِู†ْ ุฃَู‡ْู„ِ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจِ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุงู„ْู…ُุดْุฑِูƒِูŠู†َ ุฃَู† ูŠُู†َุฒَّู„َ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู… ู…ِّู†ْ ุฎَูŠْุฑٍ ู…ِّู† ุฑَّุจِّูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ูŠَุฎْุชَุตُّ ุจِุฑَุญْู…َุชِู‡ِ ู…َู† ูŠَุดَุงุก ูˆَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุฐُูˆ ุงู„ْูَุถْู„ِ ุงู„ْุนَุธِูŠู…ِ
  106. ู…َุง ู†َู†ุณَุฎْ ู…ِู†ْ ุขูŠَุฉٍ ุฃَูˆْ ู†ُู†ุณِู‡َุง ู†َุฃْุชِ ุจِุฎَูŠْุฑٍ ู…ِّู†ْู‡َุง ุฃَูˆْ ู…ِุซْู„ِู‡َุง ุฃَู„َู…ْ ุชَุนْู„َู…ْ ุฃَู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ุนَู„َู‰َ ูƒُู„ِّ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ู‚َุฏِูŠุฑٌ
  107. ุฃَู„َู…ْ ุชَุนْู„َู…ْ ุฃَู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ู„َู‡ُ ู…ُู„ْูƒُ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงูˆَุงุชِ ูˆَุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ูˆَู…َุง ู„َูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุฏُูˆู†ِ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ِู† ูˆَู„ِูŠٍّ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู†َุตِูŠุฑٍ
  108. ุฃَู…ْ ุชُุฑِูŠุฏُูˆู†َ ุฃَู† ุชَุณْุฃَู„ُูˆุงْ ุฑَุณُูˆู„َูƒُู…ْ ูƒَู…َุง ุณُุฆِู„َ ู…ُูˆุณَู‰ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ُ ูˆَู…َู† ูŠَุชَุจَุฏَّู„ِ ุงู„ْูƒُูْุฑَ ุจِุงู„ุฅِูŠู…َุงู†ِ ูَู‚َุฏْ ุถَู„َّ ุณَูˆَุงุก ุงู„ุณَّุจِูŠู„ِ 
  109. ูˆَุฏَّ ูƒَุซِูŠุฑٌ ู…ِّู†ْ ุฃَู‡ْู„ِ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจِ ู„َูˆْ ูŠَุฑُุฏُّูˆู†َูƒُู… ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ุฅِูŠู…َุงู†ِูƒُู…ْ ูƒُูَّุงุฑุงً ุญَุณَุฏًุง ู…ِّู†ْ ุนِู†ุฏِ ุฃَู†ูُุณِู‡ِู… ู…ِّู† ุจَุนْุฏِ ู…َุง ุชَุจَูŠَّู†َ ู„َู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْุญَู‚ُّ ูَุงุนْูُูˆุงْ ูˆَุงุตْูَุญُูˆุงْ ุญَุชَّู‰ ูŠَุฃْุชِูŠَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุจِุฃَู…ْุฑِู‡ِ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ุนَู„َู‰ ูƒُู„ِّ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ู‚َุฏِูŠุฑٌ
  110. ูˆَุฃَู‚ِูŠู…ُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุตَّู„ุงุฉَ ูˆَุขุชُูˆุงْ ุงู„ุฒَّูƒَุงุฉَ ูˆَู…َุง ุชُู‚َุฏِّู…ُูˆุงْ ู„ุฃَู†ูُุณِูƒُู… ู…ِّู†ْ ุฎَูŠْุฑٍ ุชَุฌِุฏُูˆู‡ُ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ุจِู…َุง ุชَุนْู…َู„ُูˆู†َ ุจَุตِูŠุฑٌ 
  111. ูˆَู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ู„َู† ูŠَุฏْุฎُู„َ ุงู„ْุฌَู†َّุฉَ ุฅِู„ุงَّ ู…َู† ูƒَุงู†َ ู‡ُูˆุฏًุง ุฃَูˆْ ู†َุตَุงุฑَู‰ ุชِู„ْูƒَ ุฃَู…َุงู†ِูŠُّู‡ُู…ْ ู‚ُู„ْ ู‡َุงุชُูˆุงْ ุจُุฑْู‡َุงู†َูƒُู…ْ ุฅِู† ูƒُู†ุชُู…ْ ุตَุงุฏِู‚ِูŠู†َ
  112. ุจَู„َู‰ ู…َู†ْ ุฃَุณْู„َู…َ ูˆَุฌْู‡َู‡ُ ู„ِู„َّู‡ِ ูˆَู‡ُูˆَ ู…ُุญْุณِู†ٌ ูَู„َู‡ُ ุฃَุฌْุฑُู‡ُ ุนِู†ุฏَ ุฑَุจِّู‡ِ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุฎَูˆْูٌ ุนَู„َูŠْู‡ِู…ْ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุญْุฒَู†ُูˆู†َ
  113. ูˆَู‚َุงู„َุชِ ุงู„ْูŠَู‡ُูˆุฏُ ู„َูŠْุณَุชِ ุงู„ู†َّุตَุงุฑَู‰ ุนَู„َู‰َ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ูˆَู‚َุงู„َุชِ ุงู„ู†َّุตَุงุฑَู‰ ู„َูŠْุณَุชِ ุงู„ْูŠَู‡ُูˆุฏُ ุนَู„َู‰ ุดَูŠْุกٍ ูˆَู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَุชْู„ُูˆู†َ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ูƒَุฐَู„ِูƒَ ู‚َุงู„َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ ู…ِุซْู„َ ู‚َูˆْู„ِู‡ِู…ْ ูَุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ูŠَุญْูƒُู…ُ ุจَูŠْู†َู‡ُู…ْ ูŠَูˆْู…َ ุงู„ْู‚ِูŠَุงู…َุฉِ ูِูŠู…َุง ูƒَุงู†ُูˆุงْ ูِูŠู‡ِ ูŠَุฎْุชَู„ِูُูˆู†َ
  114. ูˆَู…َู†ْ ุฃَุธْู„َู…ُ ู…ِู…َّู† ู…َّู†َุนَ ู…َุณَุงุฌِุฏَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฃَู† ูŠُุฐْูƒَุฑَ ูِูŠู‡َุง ุงุณْู…ُู‡ُ ูˆَุณَุนَู‰ ูِูŠ ุฎَุฑَุงุจِู‡َุง ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ู…َุง ูƒَุงู†َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ุฃَู† ูŠَุฏْุฎُู„ُูˆู‡َุง ุฅِู„ุงَّ ุฎَุงุฆِูِูŠู†َ ู„َู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุฏُّู†ْูŠَุง ุฎِุฒْูŠٌ ูˆَู„َู‡ُู…ْ ูِูŠ ุงู„ุขุฎِุฑَุฉِ ุนَุฐَุงุจٌ ุนَุธِูŠู…ٌ
  115. ูˆَู„ِู„َّู‡ِ ุงู„ْู…َุดْุฑِู‚ُ ูˆَุงู„ْู…َุบْุฑِุจُ ูَุฃَูŠْู†َู…َุง ุชُูˆَู„ُّูˆุงْ ูَุซَู…َّ ูˆَุฌْู‡ُ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ุฅِู†َّ ุงู„ู„َّู‡َ ูˆَุงุณِุนٌ ุนَู„ِูŠู…ٌ 
  116. ูˆَู‚َุงู„ُูˆุงْ ุงุชَّุฎَุฐَ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ูˆَู„َุฏًุง ุณُุจْุญَุงู†َู‡ُ ุจَู„ ู„َّู‡ُ ู…َุง ูِูŠ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงูˆَุงุชِ ูˆَุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ูƒُู„ٌّ ู„َّู‡ُ ู‚َุงู†ِุชُูˆู†َ
  117. ุจَุฏِูŠุนُ ุงู„ุณَّู…َุงูˆَุงุชِ ูˆَุงู„ุฃَุฑْุถِ ูˆَุฅِุฐَุง ู‚َุถَู‰ ุฃَู…ْุฑًุง ูَุฅِู†َّู…َุง ูŠَู‚ُูˆู„ُ ู„َู‡ُ ูƒُู† ูَูŠَูƒُูˆู†ُ 
  118. ูˆَู‚َุงู„َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ู„ุงَ ูŠَุนْู„َู…ُูˆู†َ ู„َูˆْู„ุงَ ูŠُูƒَู„ِّู…ُู†َุง ุงู„ู„َّู‡ُ ุฃَูˆْ ุชَุฃْุชِูŠَู†َุง ุขูŠَุฉٌ ูƒَุฐَู„ِูƒَ ู‚َุงู„َ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ู…ِู† ู‚َุจْู„ِู‡ِู… ู…ِّุซْู„َ ู‚َูˆْู„ِู‡ِู…ْ ุชَุดَุงุจَู‡َุชْ ู‚ُู„ُูˆุจُู‡ُู…ْ ู‚َุฏْ ุจَูŠَّู†َّุง ุงู„ุขูŠَุงุชِ ู„ِู‚َูˆْู…ٍ ูŠُูˆู‚ِู†ُูˆู†َ
  119. ุฅِู†َّุง ุฃَุฑْุณَู„ْู†َุงูƒَ ุจِุงู„ْุญَู‚ِّ ุจَุดِูŠุฑًุง ูˆَู†َุฐِูŠุฑًุง ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชُุณْุฃَู„ُ ุนَู†ْ ุฃَุตْุญَุงุจِ ุงู„ْุฌَุญِูŠู…ِ
  120. ูˆَู„َู† ุชَุฑْุถَู‰ ุนَู†ูƒَ ุงู„ْูŠَู‡ُูˆุฏُ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุงู„ู†َّุตَุงุฑَู‰ ุญَุชَّู‰ ุชَุชَّุจِุนَ ู…ِู„َّุชَู‡ُู…ْ ู‚ُู„ْ ุฅِู†َّ ู‡ُุฏَู‰ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู‡ُูˆَ ุงู„ْู‡ُุฏَู‰ ูˆَู„َุฆِู†ِ ุงุชَّุจَุนْุชَ ุฃَู‡ْูˆَุงุกู‡ُู… ุจَุนْุฏَ ุงู„َّุฐِูŠ ุฌَุงุกَูƒَ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ْุนِู„ْู…ِ ู…َุง ู„َูƒَ ู…ِู†َ ุงู„ู„َّู‡ِ ู…ِู† ูˆَู„ِูŠٍّ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู†َุตِูŠุฑٍ
  121. ุงู„َّุฐِูŠู†َ ุขุชَูŠْู†َุงู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْูƒِุชَุงุจَ ูŠَุชْู„ُูˆู†َู‡ُ ุญَู‚َّ ุชِู„ุงูˆَุชِู‡ِ ุฃُูˆْู„َุฆِูƒَ ูŠُุคْู…ِู†ُูˆู†َ ุจِู‡ِ ูˆَู…َู† ูŠَูƒْูُุฑْ ุจِู‡ِ ูَุฃُูˆู„َุฆِูƒَ ู‡ُู…ُ ุงู„ْุฎَุงุณِุฑُูˆู†َ
  122. ูŠَุง ุจَู†ِูŠ ุฅِุณْุฑَุงุฆِูŠู„َ ุงุฐْูƒُุฑُูˆุงْ ู†ِุนْู…َุชِูŠَ ุงู„َّุชِูŠ ุฃَู†ْุนَู…ْุชُ ุนَู„َูŠْูƒُู…ْ ูˆَุฃَู†ِّูŠ ูَุถَّู„ْุชُูƒُู…ْ ุนَู„َู‰ ุงู„ْุนَุงู„َู…ِูŠู†َ
  123. ูˆَุงุชَّู‚ُูˆุงْ ูŠَูˆْู…ًุง ู„ุงَّ ุชَุฌْุฒِูŠ ู†َูْุณٌ ุนَู† ู†َّูْุณٍ ุดَูŠْุฆًุง ูˆَู„ุงَ ูŠُู‚ْุจَู„ُ ู…ِู†ْู‡َุง ุนَุฏْู„ٌ ูˆَู„ุงَ ุชَู†ูَุนُู‡َุง ุดَูَุงุนَุฉٌ ูˆَู„ุงَ ู‡ُู…ْ ูŠُู†ุตَุฑُูˆู†َ
  124. ูˆَุฅِุฐِ ุงุจْุชَู„َู‰ ุฅِุจْุฑَุงู‡ِูŠู…َ ุฑَุจُّู‡ُ ุจِูƒَู„ِู…َุงุชٍ ูَุฃَุชَู…َّู‡ُู†َّ ู‚َุงู„َ ุฅِู†ِّูŠ ุฌَุงุนِู„ُูƒَ ู„ِู„ู†َّุงุณِ ุฅِู…َุงู…ًุง ู‚َุงู„َ ูˆَู…ِู† ุฐُุฑِّูŠَّุชِูŠ ู‚َุงู„َ ู„ุงَ ูŠَู†َุงู„ُ ุนَู‡ْุฏِูŠ ุงู„ุธَّุงู„ِู…ِูŠู†َ

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